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If you want launching directly one of the Prog&Play scenarios follow the Scenario launching procedure.

If you want begin by testing Kernel Panic the base game of scenarios, follow the Base game launching procedure. Playing to base game enables you to discover units of Kernel Panic and when you master the Prog&Play library to create programs in an open context.

Base game launching procedure

Launch Spring engine with "spring.exe" file. On the "Spring" window, select Kernel Panic 4.1 then click on "Test the game".

After the engine starts click on "Play a simple game!" button to begin a game against the computer. Good luck...

Scenario launching procedure

Launch Spring engine with « spring.exe » file. On the "Spring" window, select a mod, a map and a script. The full names of the three serious games designed for Prog&Play API are:

In example below, the mod "KP Campaign: Digital War 3 1.0", the map "Marble_Madness_Map" and the script "Commanders" have been selected (1). Then click on "Test the game" (2).

Exemplification with picture

Video illustration

Remark 1: with "KP Campaign: ..." and "Byte Battle", the map and script choice make no differences. Nevertheless, this fields must be specified.

Remark 2: if you never used Prog&Play before, start with "KP Campaign: Digital War 3" tutorial.

Special case of Byte Battle

With Byte Battle, five difficulty levels are accessible. You can play against another player on LAN (Local Area Network). In this last case, the two players have to follow these steps:

Player 1

Give IP address to the second player, launch Byte Battle and select the "1vs1" button.

Player 2

Launch Spring engine without starting Byte Battle, click on "Direct connect" button on Spring menu (1), enter IP address of the first player (2), the port 8451 (3) and the id Player2 (4). Then click on "Connect" button (5) as indicated on picture below.