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Contact: mathieu.muratet@lip6.fr

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SPRED teaser

SPRED demonstration

(All UI are translated in english)

Launch distributed editor for Kernel Panic 4.1

SPRED version for Kernel Panic 4.1 is distributed with the engine. In order to launch this editor and create missions for Kernel Panic 4.1:

  • Launch Spring engine
  • Select SPRED for Kernel Panic 4.1 mod
  • Click on Test the Game

Remark: The SPRED version distributed with the engine includes missions of campaigns KP Campaign: .... Do not hesitate to take your cue from them.

Launch editor for a mod other than Kernel Panic 4.1

SPRED is compatible with most of mods working on Spring. If you want to create missions for mods others than Kernel Panic 4.1, you have to create an instance of SPRED for the targeted mod:

Remark: You have to handle this process at least once for each mod, then you can use the exported editor instance named SPRED for [nom du mod]. That is how we build SPRED for Kernel Panic 4.1 mod.

SPRED user interface description

Main menu

Main SPRED user interface is composed of four menus:

  • New mission enables the creation of a new mission on a map
  • Edit existing mission enables the selectoin and edition of existing mission
  • Edit scenario enables the connection of mission together in order the creation of scenario
  • Export game enables the export of scenarios to mods compatible with Spring engine

Mission editor

Editor user interface is composed of eight menus:
